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Past Continuous

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets and using auxiliary verbs where necessary. Use the Past Continuous.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Past continuous explanation
Past Cont como usr

Past Continuous

- O Past Continuous é utilizado para descrever ações em progresso em um momento específico do passado.

- Também é usado para mostrar que uma ação estava ocorrendo quando uma outra ação do passado lhe interrompeu.  

Afirmativo - Past Continuous

Para formar o Past Continuous, você precisa do passado do verbo "to be" (was/were) + o verbo principal no gerúndio, "-ing".

Para os sujeitos "I", "he", "she", "it"  = was + verbing
Para os sujeitos "you", "we", "they" = were + verbing

"I was playing football when the doorbell rang."
"She was watching TV at that time."
"They were studying for the exam when I got home."

Negativo - Past Continuous

Para o sujeito "I", "he", "she", "it" = was + not + verbing
Para os sujeitos "you", "we", "they" = were + not + verbing

"I was not playing the guitar."
"They were not watching TV at 9 a.m."

Com contrações:

"I wasn't playing the guitar."
"They weren't watching TV at 9 a.m."

Interrogativo - Past Continuous

Para o sujeito "I", "he", "she", "it"  = Was + he + verbing
Para os sujeitos "you", "we", "they" = Were + you + verbing

"Was he sleeping?"
"Were you playing football?"
"What were you doing?"

Past Continuous Breakdown

I, he, she, it = was + verbing
You, we, they = were + verbing

I, he, she, it = was not + verbing
You, we, they = were not + verbing

I, he, she, it = Was + sujeito + verbing
You, we, they = Were + sujeito + verbing

Afirmativo pas con
negativo pas cont
interrogativo past cont
breakdown pat cont
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