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IELTS Speaking Part 3

20+ Topics 100+ Questions

These IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions have been organised into more than 20 different topics with more than 100 questions. 


In the IELTS Speaking Part 3 the candidate is required to answer the examiner's questions. This part lasts about 4-5 minutes. The questions in this section are more in-depth than in the Speaking Part 1. 


Practice the questions as much as you can so you are confident on the day of your exam. 



IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
(Updated June 2021)

Health and Coronavrus

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Health and Coronavirus

Let's talk about health. 


How important is being healthy?

What type of activities do you think help people stay healthy?


What kinds of food do you consider unhealthy?

Do you think it's easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle these days? 

How can technology help us stay healthy? 

Do you think physical health is more important than mental health?



Let's talk about the coronavirus pandemic. 

What difficulties did some people have when asked to carry out social distancing and lockdown at the time of the coronavirus outbreak?

What did some people do to stay positive during this time?

Was their any essential equipment that helped people who were very sick?

How could your country have dealt with the coronavirus pandemic better?


How can we prevent or control pandemics more effectively in the future?


recordingg the past

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Recording the past

Let's talk about past events in general.


Do you think photographs are the best way to record and remember special events in our lives?


Why do you think that is?


What about written records, can they also encourage us to remember things?


Which do you think is better, recording important moments by taking photographs or writing them down?


Some people think it's more important to be concerned about events in the future than the events in the past. Would you agree with that?


Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer: Recording the past




What do you think is the best way to capture moments in our lives? 


How do you store your photos? 


Why do you think people are so attached to photos? 


How can we record moments in a written form? 


Are there any benefits to developing photos and having physical pictures as opposed to digital ones? 

Fruits and vegetables

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Fruits and vegetables


Let’s talk about fruits and vegetables

What are some of the typical fruit and vegetables eaten in your country?


What fruit and vegetables do you eat?

Why do people like those ones?


Does your country have many fruit and vegetables from other countries?


How do you buy your fruit and vegetables, do you go to open markets or supermarkets?


And what about the cost. Is the open market or the supermarket cheaper?


Do you think the vegetables in the open market are healthier?


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Farming

How much traditional farming is there now in your country?


Is there enough water in your country to support farming?


In the future what natural or man-made disasters could affect the supply of food in your country?


Does bad weather affect the food supply where you live?



What are some benefits to large scale commercial farming? 


Are there any negatives? 


Have you ever visited or worked on a farm? 


How would you describe farming as a job? 


Do you or would you like to grow your own crops? 



What is sustainable farming?  


Does farming have any negative impacts on the environment? 


Do you think traditional farming methods will become less popular in your country in the future? 


Do you think it's important to buy locally produced food? 

Space Exploration

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Space Exploration 


Does your country have a space program? 


Do you think it is likely that in the future we will have space tourism open to the general public? Why?


How about colonising another planet. Do you believe humans need to find another planet to live on? Why? 


If you had the chance would you like to go up into space? Why?



IELTS Speaking Part 3: Beauty and societal pressure.



Do you think these days there is a lot of pressure to conform to a norm or to look beautiful?


Do you think this is right?


What are some of the dangers of this pressure to be attractive?


Let’s talk about concepts of beauty throughout time


Do you think our idea of beauty has changed throughout time or basically stayed the same?


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Food


Natural and processed food, do people these days eat enough natural food?


To what extent are food producers responsible for the health of consumers?


Do feel that the food industry behaves responsibly?


Let's consider global food security, there are predictions about global food insecurity within our lifetime, how do you feel about these predictions and what might be done to improve global food security?



Why is having a healthy diet important? 


What makes maintaining a healthy diet difficult nowadays?


Would you say you have a healthy diet? 


Should we ban the sale of food that we know is unhealthy, such as fast food burgers? 


Do you think the diet of the people in your country has improved or got worse in the last 50 years? 




What are your favourite snacks? 


Do you prefer to eat food from a restaurant or something homemade? 


How important is it to know how to cook? 


Do you cook?




IELTS Speaking Part 3: Gifts

Tell me about how people feel when they receive a homemade gift and when they receive a shop bought gift.


Why do you say that?


What about shop bought gifts?


Do you think children get more pleasure in receiving gifts than adults do?


Could you explain that a bit more?


Do you think in general adults get more pleasure from giving or receiving gifts?


How much do ads influence people when they buy gifts?


Do you think some festivals have become commercialised as a result of the emphasis on buying gifts?


Can you tell me more about that?


Part 3: Gifts  


Do you think people generally enjoy giving and receiving gifts? Why? 


In your country, when do people usually give gifts? 


What kind of gifts do they give? 


Do you agree or disagree: the price of a gift shows how much the giver cares about the recipient?


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Technology


Let's talk about technology


What kinds of technology have become more popular in recent years?


What are the benefits to advancements in areas such as computing and the internet? 


Do you feel that improvements in those areas bring us closer together? 


What would you say are the impacts of the increase in online social media? 


Do you enjoy using social networking apps?  Why? 


How important do you think it will be to have a good online presence in the future?



What are some important machines in the work place? 


Do you feel that machines will take jobs away from people? 


What kind of jobs or tasks do you think machines will do in the future? 





IELTS Speaking Part 3: Learning


Let's talk about learning new things.


What motivates people to learn new things?


Do you think the ways people learn new things have changed compared to the past?


How do you think technology will change the way people learn new things in the future?

School and education

IELTS Speaking Part 3: School and education


How can parents and students choose the best school or university?


How do people in your country feel about private education?


Do you think University education should be free?



Do you think it's important to encourage competitivity in children? Why? 


What are some negative aspects of competition? 


What are the benefits of competition? 


Are you a competitive person? 


Do you think society will become more or less competitive in the future? 



Do you think it's important to go to university? Why? 


In your country, do people normally live with their family when they are at university or do they move out? 


Why do you think some people choose to move out when they are at university?  


Is there a difference in the number of men and women that go to university where you are from? 


Has their been a change in the number of people attending universities where you're from?


Do you think going to university will become more or less popular in the future? 




Let's talk about secondary school. 


Would you say students have to do a lot of tests when they are at school in your country?


Why are tests important? 


What are some negative aspects of school tests?


Did you enjoy doing tests when you were at school? Why?


What about uniforms. Do students have to wear school unfiroms in your country? 


Do you think having school uniforms is good?


Plants and trees

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Plants and trees


Do you think it's important to keep plants and trees around the house?


What could people do to reduce the number of products made from trees, like paper, in their daily life?


Why is it important to have green spaces like parks and trees in big cities?


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Recycling


Let’s talk about recycling


Do you think it's mainly the responsibility of the government or individuals to make sure people recycle, why?


What may happen to future societies if people just throw things in the garbage and don't recycle?


How has recycling changed the way individuals do their daily shopping? What else can be done in the future?

Crime and punishment

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Crime and punishment



Tell me about how criminals are dealt with in your country?


How strict do you think your country is with dealing with people?


What's the most serious punishment?


What sort of crimes would get you 30 years?


Do you think criminals should always go to prison or do you think there is a better alternative?




How can we reduce crime in society? 


How would you describe the prison system and prisons in your country? 


Do you think crime will increase or decrease in the future in your country? 


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Morals


Who do you think should teach morals parents or teachers?


When you want to motivate people to do the right thing, what do you think is more effective rewarding someone for doing the right thing or punishing for doing the wrong thing?


How effective do you think organisations like the UN are in encouraging people to do the right thing?


Do you believe we're all basically good?


Is war ever justified?



How can countries who have a disagreement solve their disagreements without going to war?



How important is it to be an honest person? 


Should you tell the truth even if it hurts someone? 


In what situtaions do you think it's acceptable to tell a lie? 


What are some tell-tale signs that someone is telling a lie? 


How do you feel when someone lies to you? 


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Hobbies


Let’s consider children’s hobbies


How do children in your country spend their free time?


Do you think there have been any changes in the types of hobbies children had in the past compared to now?


Should parents focus their children only on school work or should they encourage extracurricular activities? 


Can a hobby have a detrimental impact on someone’s life? 




What are the benefits of having a hobby? 


How much time should someone spend on a hobby? 


Do you have any hobbies? 


Would you like to try a new hobby in the future? 

Sports facilities

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Sports facilities

Moving on to sport facilities 


Are there enough sports facilities near where you live? 


How could you improve the sports facilities near you? 


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Family

Let’s talk about family


Do you enjoy spending time with relatives? Why? 


What types of traditions do you and your relatives have? 


Do you think family members are more important than friends? 


Do you think having a good relationship with relatives is important to most people? 


How do family members help each other? 


Do you agree or disagree: families are not as important as they used to be. 


How are families now different from families in the past? 


How do you think families will change in the future? 

Celebrities and fame

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Celebrities and fame

Let’s think about celebrities

Why do some people become famous nowadays? 


Do you think it’s fair that some people become famous for nothing? 


What do you think is more important fame or money? 


How can wealthy people help their community? 


Do you think in the future money will be shared among the population more evenly, or do you think it will become even more concentrated in the hands of the few? 


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Careers

Are traditional careers like Doctors, engineers and lawyers popular in your country? Why? 


In the future do you think these careers will become more or less popular? Why? 



From what age do you think people should start thinking about their careers? 


Do you think money is the strongest factor to consider when deciding what career to choose? 


Where can people get advice from when they are deciding what career path to follow?


Do you think it is too late to change careers when people get older, for example, when they are 50 years old? 

National holidays

IELTS Speaking Part 3: National holidays


What are some important holidays in your country?


Why do people celebrate holidays? 


Do you think holiday celebrations have changed over the years? Why?

Do you think the importance of holiday celebrations has changed over the years? Why? 


How will holidays be different in the future? 


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Teachers


What kind of person makes a good teacher? 


Why do you think people choose to become teachers?


Which is more important for a teacher - to be an expert in the subject he or she teaches, or to be very skilled at explaining things and motivating students to learn? 


How are schools different now from when you were young? How do you think they will be different in the future?


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Work


Which careers are popular in your country? 


How do people decide which career to follow? 


Which areas would you say have a lot of opportunities for work at the moment? 


In your country, is it common for people to work in a different city to where they live? 


How do you think the job market will change in the next 10 or 20 years? 



What qualities are important to have in a job in order to make it a good job?


Would you say you enjoy your job? Why? 


Do you think it's more important to have job that you are interested in or that pays well? 


Do you think people work too much nowadays? Why? 


Would you like to work more or less in the future? 



In your opinion what makes a good boss?  


Would you like to have a position where you manage other people? Why? 


How important is it to have good work colleagues? 


Do you think work is the most important thing in life? Why?

your neighbourhood

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Your neighbourhood


Do you like the neighbourhood you live in now?


How could you improve your neighbourhood? 


Do you prefer to live in a mostly residential area or an area with homes and commerce? 


How do you think your neighbourhood will change in the future? 


Is it common for people to live in the same neighbourhood their whole lives in your country?

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer: Your Neighbourhood

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Housework


Who does the housework in your home? 


What are the benefits of having a tidy house?  


Are there any chores that you enjoy doing? 


Do you think it's important to give children chores? 


Do you think mundane household chores will ever be done my machines? 


TV and Entertainment

IELTS Speaking Part 3: TV and Entertainment


Is going to the cinema popular in your country? 


Do you enjoy going to the cinema? 


Why do you think people enjoy watching movies?


Do you prefer to watch movies at home or to watch them at the cinema?


Do you think it's important to have a national cinema industry? Why?


How big a role has cinema had in the way we see the world?


Do you think cinema will become more or less popular in the future?




How much TV time do you think is too much? 


Do you think children should be allowed to watch TV from an early age?  

Do you think watching TV is a mostly beneficial or negative way to pass the time?


Do you try and limit the amount of TV you watch? 


Do you think TVs will become obsolete in the future?  


IELTS Speaking Part 3: Houses


Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?


How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?


Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?


What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?


What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?



IELTS Speaking Part 3: Animals


What kind of animals do people have in their homes?


A lot of animals are getting extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why is it happening?


Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use to do their work?


Researches are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?



Record your IELTS Speaking answer here and recieve feedback from an IELTS Tutor. 

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